The Creativity Workshop
Workshop rates vary according to time duration, supplies needed, and financial need.
The Creativity Workshop is geared for 3rd grade through middle school. Each workshop is designed specifically for each organization's or school's needs. Length can be 1 hour or several days.
Creativity allows children to express what they are thinking and feeling. This in turn helps them to develop their self-confidence, communication skills and a sense of identity. Focused attention while learning a new skill encourages mental growth, spatial awareness, problem-solving, understanding, critical thinking, concentration, and an enhanced imagination. Research links creative play with a child's intrinsic motivation to learn. Gaining a strong sense of self promotes a feeling of well being and joy.

Depending upon the level and interest of the students, the workshop may include nature walks, the collection and implementation of natural objects, sun prints, collage, photography, video, story telling, painting, and/or vision boards.
Combining nature and creative expression creates a meditative environment for children as they explore their 5 senses. This workshop encourages wonderment and exploration. As children learn to express their thoughts and feelings, their confidence grows. Sharing with the group becomes a rewarding experience during thoughtful and positive critiques.
Mostly, we will all have fun!

Instructor and Creativity Coach

Leigh is an adjunct film, video, and photography professor for Central Wyoming College.
She has taught at The Mountain Academy, The Jackson Hole Community School, and the Jackson Hole Art Association. Leigh has taught creative writing, storytelling, creativity workshops and youth filmmaking classes and camps for the past 10 years. In partnership with St. John's Episcopal Church in Jackson, Wy., Leigh offers a 2 week filmmaking camp, Teton Youth Filmmakers, every July for middle school students.
She created Soul Creative Media with the goal of bringing creativity, inspiration, and joy into people's daily lives. You can learn more about Leigh and follow her on Instagram at @soulcreativemedia.